Vol. 97, No. 4
Farzad Amoozegar | The Radiant-Strange Faces of the Dead
Ashawari Chaudhuri | The Good Seed: Bt Cotton, Braided Time, and Agricultural Biotechnology in India
Elizabeth Durham | On Vitality: Chemical Possibilities and Politics of Life Force, Ease, and Everyday Life
Beth S. Epstein | Expansive Vision: Re-thinking Race and Class Divides in the French Banlieue
Edward James Glayzer and Alex Joseph Nelson | Paying for Gender (In)equality: The Individualization of Commodified Dating Rituals in South Korea
Sarah Leiter | Spanish by Another Name? Racializing Sephardic Identity in Contemporary New Mexico
Lindsay A. Bell | Peter Benson’s Stuck Moving: Or How I learned to Love (and Lament) Anthropology
Aisha Khan | Orisanmi Burton’s Tip of the Spear: Black Radicalism, Prison Repression, and the Long Attica Revolt
Sharolyn D. Pollard-Durodola | Jessica Chandras’s Mother Tongue Prestige: The Sociolinguistics of Privilege in Urban Middle-class Education in India