Anthropological Quarterly features peer-reviewed articles, social thought and commentary pieces, photographic essays, polyglot perspectives, book reviews, film reviews, book review essays, and new release book reviews.
General Guidelines
· All submissions should be double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt., have one-inch margins, and should conform to the AQ Style Guide 2025.
· For any points not addressed in the AQ Style Guide, please conform to the Chicago Manual of Style. Your manuscript should not include any identifying information.
Specific Guidelines
Submissions should be based on original research. We do not accept review articles.
Submitting Guidelines:
· Word Limit: 10,500 words, including footnotes, but not including bibliographic information.· Manuscripts must include an abstract of 300 words or fewer and 5-7 keywords that identify the article’s main themes.
· Please remove the author’s name and affiliation for the peer-review process from the text and the bibliography.
· AQ has the capacity to publish images accompanying articles. However, during the review phase, please only submit images with your manuscript if they are a necessary part of the argument and if you have obtained permission to publish the images. As a general rule, when in doubt about whether you require permission, please seek permission. If your paper is accepted, you will then have the opportunity to submit any additional accompanying images and provide documentation of permission.
Contact should you have specific questions about the submissions process.
Submissions Portal:
If you would like to propose a special collection, please contact with a proposal before you submit the collection to the issue. All articles belonging to special collections must follow the guidelines for ARTICLES above.
Anthropological Quarterly publishes Social Thought and Commentary essays, where scholars are encouraged to contribute to ongoing public debates. We believe that it is important for anthropologists to engage with such debates not only because we live and work in societies that face the challenges of such varied problems as war, racism, poverty, nationalism, globalization, human rights, and the social, legal, and ethical implications of new genetic technologies, but because we need to add our voices to discourse dominated by journalists and a very small number of public intellectuals.
Submitting Guidelines:
· Word Limit: 8000 words
· Submissions must include an abstract of 300 words or fewer and 5-7 keywords that identify the article’s main themes.
Submissions Portal:
Recognizing that anthropologists are finding ever more creative ways to convey their ideas, Anthropological Quarterly invites scholars to submit photographic essays as an alternative to the traditional article format.
Submitting Guidelines:
· Media: 10-15 photos, all taken by the author(s)
· Word limit of the accompanying text: 3000-6000 words
· Together, the images and essay should make a theoretical contribution.
· Photographic essay submissions must include an abstract of 300 words or fewer and 5–7 keywords that identify the article’s main themes.
· Please be advised that we are only able to print photographs in black and white.
· It is the author’s responsibility to seek permission for the publication of any image if permission is required by U.S. law and/or the author’s Institutional Review Board.
Submissions Portal:
With the launch of this section in 2009, we acknowledged that, in many ways, the English language has been allowed to define the anthropological mainstream. We also acknowledged that English has become the language of scholarship in many disciplines, even in countries where English is not the locally dominant language. Anthropology, however, is both a cosmopolitan discipline and one that seeks to recognize and study a broad range of languages, cultures, and experiences. To begin to redress this imbalance, as well as to expand the scope of the journal’s content, Anthropological Quarterly is proud to present essays on books written in languages other than English.
Polyglot Perspectives will publish informed and substantial presentations that are original, provocative, and analytically powerful. We are looking for much more than a conventional book review.
Submitting Guidelines:
· Before submitting a formal draft, AQ asks scholars familiar with a recent work in a language other than English to submit a brief proposal, outlining the work’s significance for an international audience.
· If the potential contributor has already been involved in the production of the work (for example, as a consultant or commentator), we see no conflict of interest.
Proposals for a Polyglot Perspectives essay may be sent directly to Dr. Michael Herzfeld. at
We publish book and film reviews at the end of each issue of Anthropological Quarterly. Book reviews draw on one book, and film reviews on a single ethnographic film. They should provide commentary on the work’s content, recommended audience, how the book/film can be used, as well as its structure and theoretical, methodological, or other contributions to the field of anthropology.
Submission Guidelines:
· Word Limits for Book and Film Review: 1,000–2,000 words
· The default deadline for book reviews is approximately 8 weeks from receipt of the book.
· Reviewers should not be too close to the book itself or mentioned in the acknowledgments.
We occasionally publish unsolicited reviews. Authors interested in submitting a book review for AQ should first reach out to our book review editor ( For film reviews please contact the Film review editor Dr. Sarah L. Richardson at
In addition to traditional book reviews, we also publish book review essays that draw on two or more books coming out of a particular subfield and cover a similar topic. These essays comment on the ethnography, structure, and interventions (theoretical, methodological, and other) of individual books; reflect on their collective relationship with one another; and discuss their significance to broader anthropological conversations.
Submission Guidelines:
· Word Limit: 3,000–4,000 words.
· The default deadline for book review essays is 8 weeks from receipt of the books.
· Reviewers should not be too close to the books or mentioned in the acknowledgments.
We occasionally publish unsolicited book review essays. Authors interested in submitting a book review essay for AQ should first reach out to our book review editor ( with a proposal of suggested titles and the significance of their collected relevance.
We also publish extended New Release Book Reviews of selected books, published in the same quarter the book was released. These reviews are published in our New Release section, where we feature longer essays that invite reviewers to draw on one book but also to write beyond the text, much as one might find in the New York Review of Books. Authors should also provide commentary on the book’s content, recommended audience, how the book can be used and highlight its structure and theoretical, methodological, or other interventions to the field of anthropology as well as the subfield in which the book is situated. Typically, manuscripts for new release book reviews are provided in PDF form.
Submission Guidelines:
· Word Limit: 3,000–4,000 words.
· The default deadline for book review essays is 8 weeks from receipt of the manuscript.
· Reviewers should not be too close to the books or mentioned in the acknowledgments.
We occasionally publish unsolicited new release book reviews. Authors interested in submitting a book review essay for AQ should first reach out to our book review editor (
Copyright Information
In submitting work to Anthropological Quarterly, the author certifies that it has not been published elsewhere, is his/her original work, and that it is not under review or consideration elsewhere. The Institute for Ethnographic Research retains the copyright on all articles.
To reproduce the article in a monograph or an edited volume, please contact AQ at
Contact Information
For further inquiries, please email the correct department:
For articles, social thought and commentary pieces, photographic essays — Assistant Editor (
For polyglot perspectives — Dr. Michael Herzfeld (
For book reviews, film reviews, book review essays, and new release book reviews — Book Review Editor (
For film reviews — Dr. Sarah Richardson (